

Pottery is my relaxation time. After leaving art school in Chicago I was lucky enough to find an amazing studio in New York to keep practicing at. It's been the one time of the week I can turn to for relaxation during the hectic years of college. When I go to the studio to throw I'm not thinking of anything else. Having a separate space to go to encourages me to keep creating because there are no distractions of friends or technology in the studio which is probably the main reason I have kept up with pottery and not painting. It is very therapeutic and I encourage everyone to give it a try at some point in their life.
In this post are some of the pieces I made in my last term at Greenwich House Pottery. I've been focusing on making smaller mugs and teacups, working on my handle making, these were all made using a pulling technique. I am trying to work my way to making espresso cups off the hump, but have yet to be successful at it. All pieces in this post with exception to the red cup are Celadon glazes which is my favorite glaze to use. They are such nice greens and when using a white slip underneath (first picture below) it creates very nice pastels.

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